George Harrison died on thursday…Love one another
Monthly Archives: November 2001
November 28, 2001(ish)
Yay!I get to go to to the flames game for free tomorrow! *woo!*and with sixth row seats from the ice…should be a good view. I also get to take a friend to the game for her bday, (which is coincedentally the same day (happy bday fawnling!!)). She’s also from Texas and the Flames are playin’ the Stars…damned convenient! And Fawn seems all excited about it so I hope it’s a good gift. *nods*
November 13, 2001(ish)
Excuse the mess.
I’ve upgraded my ‘puter, and re-arranged some stuff around. If your having any problems, gimme a day or two! 🙂
November 09, 2001(ish)
(turns cartwheels)
yay! works…no more -!!!
(goes back to work)
November 08, 2001(ish)
woo!! I’ll finally be able to get rid of that damned dash from my domain! *G*
I’ve registered as it just came free! yay!!
kay…I’m done. 🙂