Woo! I made it live. Now I have to actually make sure everything works and then make Maire fix anything I can’t. *G*
May 30, 2001(ish)
Woo! I made it live. Now I have to actually make sure everything works and then make Maire fix anything I can’t. *G*
After dicking around halfheartedly with the site, Maire finally gets back to debugging code. Gotta love the art of procrastination.
Maire got the front page pretty well knocked together. Now all she really has to do is get the rest of the pages working. And somehow get Colin to check the Guestbook to see if it will be customizable enough to slot into a table. Oh…and go through the bios and see what he wants to keep, or toss away…and if he has more knifty links for his link page…yeah…